Nokia Arrow pictures leaked

nokia apollo

After we announced few days ago that Nokia will be launching its Apollo series, featuring “Arrow”, “Phi” and “Atlas” models, today we have the first leaked photos of Arrow. The Nokia Lumia 820, should be a mid-range device that will run Windows Phone 8 as we can see in the pictures. These pictures show a fairly slim device with a white casing, one led on the back (probably a flash), and of course there is also a fairly big camera lens. We can also see in the pictures that it has some basic Microsoft software like Internet explorer, Microsoft Office and the Xbox software.

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As far as specifications go it will feature 4.3 inch display with a 480x800 pixels resolution which is a pretty mid-range product. The device shown was labeled as having 512MB of RAM, and is running on WP 8 version 8.0.9735.0. The design looks a lot like first series of Lumia phones, very stylish yet very firm and stable. Hopefully it will have same type of display glass, remember those videos of one Lumia owner that was using it as a hammer; the phone didn’t even scratch the display. These images were leaked on the Chinese site
Weibo, another Chinese blogging site, showed their leaked picture of a blurry yellow cased Nokia phone that is supposed to be the Arrow model. The Nokia Apollo series will launch next week, on September 5th with most users waiting for the high-end model Phi.
Nokia published a video on their YouTube channel with the title “Things are about to change”, finishing it with the date 05.09.2012 in text. Let’s wait a few more days and see how great the new Nokia's will be.

[Ed – while Nokia does make a good phone and they can do some very impressive things with their designs they have not been able to capture the consumers’ imagination for a very long time. Apollo might give them a small boost, but as there are multiple companies making Windows Phone 8 devices they may end up swept aside by companies with much larger advertising budgets. Nokia is also coming to the fight with an OS that has very little consumer interest at the moment making the adoption of the new devices even less likely no matter how good they might look]

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