Nokia plans to bring tablet soon


After smartphones based on the Windows Phone OS, Nokia could present corresponding tablets. Although the rumors regarding Nokia tablet have been circulating for some time now, the company's Managing Director Stephen Elop confirmed that the company is "looking very carefully to the tablets, but has yet to officially announce the actual products" in an interview with Australian media.

According to Elop, the company has been monitoring the tablet market with even greater interest since the launch of Microsoft Surface models. He stressed that Nokia would have preferred the Windows operating system in development of their tablet, although they have not yet made any final decisions, and thus Android is still not excluded.

Nokia does not intend to compete with the biggest players (Samsung and Apple, or Android and iOS) in the smartphone market, but they would fight with BlackBerry for third place. A similar strategy is likely to arrive for tablet devices. More recent rumors suggest Nokia's Windows RT tablet device with 10.1 inch screen and optional keyboard, which should be launched during the first half of this year.

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