Nokia pushing out a shrunken Lumia 1520 in April

Nokia Lumia 1520 phablet is by many the best Windows Phone device ever. Nokia seems to have a plan to please the customer which think that a diagonal of six inches on this device is not the best thing.

According to new rumors, the Nokia Lumia will launch a model 1520v which will have a good deal of possibilities like the bigger brother. The design will remain identical and the specifications mentioned a 14 MP resolution camera and a battery of 2370 mAh. The screen will reportedly have a diagonal of 4.45 inches and a resolution of 1280x768 pixels which is still reasonable compared to earlier rumors which mentioned 1080p resolution on a diagonal of 4.3 inches.
The launch of the device is expected in April. A formal presentation should be somewhat earlier, possibly at the fair MWC in February. Lets hope it does not turn out to be an April fools joke.

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