Nokia’s Lumia 920 to be released on November 2nd?


After Nokia finished with presenting their new Lumias, everyone was wondering when they would officially come to stores. Preorders will start on October 29th together with the official release of WP8 and 3 days after release of Windows 8. According to new rumors, the Lumia should arrive already officially on November 2nd. It is expected that they will rush Lumia's release as much as they can because new iPhone comes very soon, and here time is literally money.  Preorder will be available at official Nokia Store and Microsoft Store Websites.

Multiple sources have stated that Lumia 820 will be available from T-Mobile in the US and the Lumia 920 will be available via T-Mobile and AT&T. There were no rumors about if the devices will be available from Verizon or Sprint. Both phones are expected to be launched on the same date. They will face strong competition from the iPhone and Google Nexus Premier releases this month. One thing that could turn customers away from Nokia was their hurried and awkward presentation. It looked more like an act of desperation than the announcement of an iPhone killer. Nokia used photos and videos which they inferred were taken by the new Lumia's, but later they apologized, "In an effort to demonstrate the benefits of optical image stabilization (which eliminates blurry images and improves pictures shot in low light conditions), we produced a video that simulates what we will be able to deliver with OIS".

Also they were bragging a lot about their new fancy camera, while completely ruining video recording when making it able to record only mono audio. Although there is some speculation that this is due to a software failure and could possibly be solved in future this is still very repulsive for users. Let’s be clear, I'm not an iPhone fanboy and I don’t take anyone's side here, but this is very bad PR from both Nokia and Microsoft. They should have done better if this is really such a turnaround point for them, well at least for Nokia.

[Ed – after looking through the event we could not find where they claimed the images were taken with the cameras on the new devices. It was heavily inferred and Nokia did nothing to say they were not. Still all PR is good PR as they say. There are a considerable number of articles about this so the word is out about the new WP8 Nokia phones. It is still unlikely that these new phones will actually make a serious impact on Android or iPhone sales. This will only happen if another major manufacturer decides move to push Windows Phone over Android and we just do not see that happening any time soon…]

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