October 4th Apple Launch Should Include Sprint

LevoniThinSkinJPG_38We have known that this was coming for months now and yet the world seems even more eager than before the announcement that Apple will have a Launch Event on October the 4th. What are they announcing? Well most are pretty well convinced that it will be long awaited iPhone 5. Along with this will be another announcement; one that will potentially change the balance of power in the mobile market (at least in the US). This is the announcement that Sprint will have the iPhone 5 for its customers.

We have actually been told on more than one occasion that Sprint will have it without ever hearing those words. As an example we told you that Sprint is cutting back the Silver and Gold VIP rewards. They end on October 1st. Sprint is expected to offer the iPhone 5 on the 15th of October. Several people that we know have been told they cannot take vacation during this time period. Now to top this off Sprint issued a statement saying that they will not be changing their unlimited data plan for their “new phones”. When you add everything up it all comes home to one thing. The iPhone 5 will be coming to the very last Unlimited Data plan carrier in the US.

We fully expect Sprint to draw in a very large number of new customers shortly after October the 15th. The question is; what is Sprint going to do about the customers that have been with them? That is the one thing that really could make or break their new power. If they do not take care of the people already with them, they could still potentially lose them to another company that offers the iPhone. I have read and talked to more than a few existing Sprint customers that are rather annoyed that they might have to pay full price for the iPhone (full price meaning $600+). They would rather cut their losses take the $200 hit for early cancelation and start up a new plan with a $199.99 phone and end up paying less than sticking with Sprint.

I tell you this, Sprint had better have a Loyalty Pricing plan up their sleeves or they could find themselves hemorrhaging customers rather quickly and to be perfectly honest; I am not sure that they can make up for them all with new buyers…

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