"Only" 3.7 billion dollars will be spent on Tech this year


Gartner lowered their forecast for growth in spending on information technology (IT) to only 2% from the previous 4.1%. Even though the growth will now be a bit slower than expected numbers are still quite huge.

Under the new overlook global IT spending is expected to reach a figure of $3.7 billion, which is only 2% more than last year's $3.6 billion. As the main reason for the lower predictions Gartner stated changes in the dollar exchange rate, but also stated that spending on technological devices is lower than it was previously expected.


In fact, Gartner now anticipates that spending on IT devices will grow by only 2.8%, while the previously predicted growth of 7.9%. For this decrease most deserving is continued decline in PC sales, for which they see no signs of recovery in the rest of the year. On the other hand they predict growth of 38.9% in tablets sales and mobile phones sales by 9.3%.

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