Over 570,000 gamers want GTA V on PC


More than 570,000 PC players signed the online petition by which they ask Rockstar to speed up realease the PC version of the Grand Theft Auto V, which is already available on current generation of consoles since last month.

The petition was launched shortly after the studio has confirmed that they have not completely ruled out the possibility of publishing the game on other platforms: Of couse, the players understood that as a kind of invitation to show their interest in the game to public.

Just to compare, in a similar situation PC gamers were found after the release of Grand Theft Auto IV, which came to the "ultimate" platform seven months after it first appeared on consoles, so it is quite certain that the Rockstar will please the desires of many PC gamers in the near future. It will be interesting too see will they be able to achieve sale results they got with the console versions, which broke almost every record there is regarding sales of video games.

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