Over a billion Android devices in 2014

Consulting firm Gartner released its forecasts for the 2014, related to the sale of mobile devices. According to their data, during this year in the world to will be sold about 1.1 billion of various devices (smartphones, tablets, watches and other) that will have Android operating system. The greatest growth of this OS will be recorded in the Chinese market, analysts said.

At the same time Apple's operating systems iOS and MacOS will be found on about 344 million devices sold. The Gartner also predicts that Google will not benefit much from the expansion of its mobile platform, and stating that although Android has quantity, Apple still has value. also they point out  that the main Google's problem is to find a way to capitalize on a huge customer base.

As far as the general trend, Gartner experts believe that the delivery of tablets continue its dizzying growth, so while of 2014. be sold 53% more of these devices than was the case last year. Sales of mobile phones should grow, but at a slower pace. Given the already fairly saturated market, is expected only single-digit percentage growth. Buy classic PC should stabilize and remain at about the same level as 2013.

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