PayPal Lanuches the Beacon


PayPal last year launched their system called Here, which allows users to buy products in certain stores that support their system of "digital wallet". It enables customers to pay by simply placing  their smartphone near the PoS device, instead of using cash credit cards.

In order to further improve the service, PayPal has launched these days a device in the form of a USB stick called Beacon, which stores can set into a wall outlet near the entrance, after which it will use Bluetooth LE to detect every customer that has mobile application for payment as soon as he enters the store, and the information will then be  forwarded to one of the supported POS terminals. Once the device detects that the customer has entered the store equipped with PayPal application, POS device will show his image, so when he comes to the counter with the products he would like to buy it will be enough to vocally confirm the purchase and money will be automatically downloaded from a digital wallet.

Sales will begin at the start of 2014, and PayPal will these days offer an API for application development to only one hundred lucky developers. PayPal hopes that Beacon will serve for other purposes too, for example for automatic ordering of meals or food as soon as you enter the restaurant or bakery, so the retailer will be able to offer a certain item before customer even asks anything about it.

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