People love to do online shopping naked

A marketing research company, Reputation Leaders conducted a survey for PayPal on customers' habits on the Internet during holiday shopping. Online survey was conducted in November and included 4,524 respondents from nine countries (Australia, France, Italy, Canada, Germany, Russia, Singapore, the UK and the US), ranging from 16 up to 64 year of life.

The most bizarre part of the survey included a question about the clothes which customers wear when shopping. 11% of respondents said that they are not wearing any clothes when buying online, not even underwear, while 33% of respondents reported that they are wearing pajamas. About 15% of respondents like to drink alcoholic beverages while shopping on the Internet. More than 86% of respondents likes to buy via mobile devices.

According to respondents the biggest advantage of buying online compared to buying in stores is the lack of the queue.

[Ed  - we will have to put this one in the "odd" bucket in terms of its relation to technology. In a way though the study does emphasize how technology is isolating people and how it is affecting how we interact. We are pretty sure that most people would dress to go shopping just as they might converse politely with others when in public. By enabling faceless interaction on the internet many "norms" are going away and people fell more comfortable in acting very differently on the internet. So far, I am not sure if this is a good thing or bad...]

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