Perpetual Testing Initiative Add-on For Portal 2 to hit Steam in May

GLaDOSIf earnings calls or the fate of Apple post-Steve Jobs is not your thing then the following bit of news might be up your alley. It seems that Valve will be releasing a new map editor for the amazingly popular puzzle game Portal 2. The free downloadable content add-on will be called the Perpetual Testing Initiative and will hit Steam in early May (some are claiming May 8th).

This is an interesting announcement as we near the month of May and also nVidia’s big announcement (remember the crowbar). The new add-on module will also allow user creations to be uploaded directly to the Steam Workshop where others can view, vote on and download them… for science.

We wonder if GLaDOS will be proud of all the new testing that is going on. We also wonder when we will see the cross over from Aperture to Black Mesa… Hmmmmm.

Anyhow back to the information we do know. This new add-on is all part of the very user-driven way that Valve works. We will be grabbing this when it hits and hope to have something on it up for you (if nothing else then screen shots). Now let’s hope for more co-op content and oh yeah,… that Half Life 3 game we keep hearing about.


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