Play Games service is almost here


That Google is preparing a service for online gaming on smartphones and tablets with Android, we already knew. However, thanks to a proactive team with Android Policea, we now know more.

The service is called Play Games, which blends with other services for Android - Play Music, Play Books, Play Magazines and others. Files to which the Android Police came suggest that Play Games offer the ability to communicate within the game, inviting more players to the party (matchmaking), store the saved position on their servers, ranking system and achievements within the games.

As expected, Play Games will be deeply associated with Google+, so that we will be to boast on Google's social network with our results,  only question is who will see them. You will also be able to adjust which circles will see your Gaming notifications and so on. All this is actually a confirmation of the information that was dug from the appliaction code for MyGlass by the Android Police nearly a month ago. The official presentation of the Play Games is expected at the conference Google I/O 2013, which begins the day after tomorrow and runs until Friday.

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