Recursion mode in Transistor launched

The creators of the successful Bastion from the Supergiant Games say that they are slowly closing in to the release date of their new action RPG Transistor. Specifically, Transistor on PC and PlayStation 4 will arrive on May 20, and Supergiant in the meantime decided to reveal some more details about the Recursion mode, which opens after you finish the game.

This is a sort of New Game Plus mode in which the campaign is very possible to go back to the sustained level, functions of the Transistor and other upgrades unlocked during the first time you finished the game. The whole thing comes with new surprises in terms of new composition of enemy troops, and a few other extras.

Transistor follows singer Red and her faithful sword by which the game itself got its name. Set in a town Cloudbank where Red, accompanied by excellent background music, is trying to stop the forces of The Process and Camerate.

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