Research at Intel


Research@Intel is an event where Intel annually opens the doors of their laboratories (Intel Labs), and presents some of the most interesting and promising projects. This year the focus will be on the optical transmission of data, smart energy management, and methods of improving the user experience.

During the first day of this conference visitors will have a chance to listen to a lecture entitled "Perceptual Computing: Bringing human-like senses to computing." It is a technology that would enable computers to perceive the interaction with the user more like actual humans do, which will ultimately mean that users will be able to use the service on a more intuitive and easier way. After that they will visit the Robot Learning Lab at the University of Berkeley where will most probably be presented how Intel's scientists help university students in the development of artificial intelligence robots.

During the second day several round tables on different topics will be held. Some of the subjects are Intelligent Everything, The Data Society and Enriching Lives. In short, the talk will be about how devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops, equipped with various sensors and connected to the Internet and cloud can affect the daily lives of users. Finally, numerous presentations of Intel's experimental technology have also been announced.

[Ed – Intel has always invested a large amount of money for research and development. They have been pusing for advanced materials in CPUs and other processors. Graphine, carbon nano tubes and more have all been part of their research investment. While Intel is not the only company that does this they do have a good reputation and a long history of this. Events like reasearch@intel are a big part of it.]

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