Riot shows off a new game mode for League of Legends

Riot Games has recently introduced a new game mode for League of Legends. The whole thing comes titled One for All: Mirror Mode and allows all players to choose the same hero. The selection of a hero comes down to a vote among the players themselves.

Nominated hero automatically wins the case if he gains more than 50% of the votes, while in the case of 50:50 ratio selection hero falls on a random generator. As stated in the official blog, if four people vote for Amumu, 3 for Annie, 2 for AAtrox and one for Alistar, there is a 40% chance that it will all be Amumu, 30% it will be Annie, 20% AAtrox and so on.

To make sure that all the characters still would not look the same, Riot for the One for All: Mirror Mode opened the possibility of microtransaction purchase of Battle Boost, which for all players on the same team temporarily opens all skins for the chosen hero, and adds a slight IP boost. Mirror Mode: One for All is currently available exclusively on the League of Legends PBE (Public Beta Environment) server.

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