Rockstar Cutting GTA Online Re-Played Mission Payouts by 50%

GTA online is back in the news again as a recent update has reduced the payout for replayed missions. The move was an odd one considering the bad press they received many issues in the recent past. The move has caused more than one strongly worded comment to be posted on their support page as players do not understand why they are being penalized for wanting to play missions over again.

As a comparison at least one poster asked why you can get the same reward for racing the same track over and over again, but you could not for playing the same mission over. It is just another item to add to a growing list of items that are turning players off to GTA Online. When RockStart corrected the lost progress issue we said that they could not afford to alienate players any more than they already were.

RockStar is justifying the change by saying that it is easier to learn the missions and play through them faster than it is to run the same race. Because of this they are trying to stop players from gaming the system and just getting paid out for mission they have learned by heart. They say that they are doing this rather than just not allowing for players to replay missions.

“For those of you inquiring about mission payouts, there was a change that reduces payouts by 50% after a repeat of the mission. The first time you play and beat the mission, you will get the full amount. Subsequent replays will see a payout amount reduced by half. This is to keep the game balanced as well as encourage the exploration of new missions and content in the game.

We understand players do like to enjoy a mission multiple times, so rather than remove the possibility of doing so, we've allowed replays of these missions at a reduced payout. Many players can get very good at a mission and beat it much faster in consecutive tries, so we've adjusted these payouts to match that case.”

As you might imagine the fact that RockStar considered locking down missions that have already been played made even more people upset. One commenter put is quite clearly:

“You know what? I don't feel like playing races all day - I've been enjoying mission content. The fact that you event considered preventing me from doing any of these missions more than once?”

This was followed up with a rather blunt comment: “Every patch there has been a nerf to making money 1. no more replay on job voting screen. 2. No more RT for replay on like/dislike screen. 3. nerf to payouts on jobs. In ALL the patch notes for ALL these patches none of these were listed.”

Sounds to me like RockStar just can’t help but annoy their GTA Online players…

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