Samsung Galaxy Note 4 to come with a flexible screen

In the absence of the CEO, the head of Samsung's mobile department made a statement to the Wall Street Journal in which he commented on the good initial sales of their latest smartphone, the Galaxy S5.

Results from the market show that the S5 in the first weeks recorded 10% higher sales than its predecessor. But in the same interview, Lee Young-Hee commented on the plan of the company, which is far more interesting than the dull sales results. He says that in the upcoming, fourth generation Galaxy Note company could decide on a major change. Samsung's bosses and engineers have reportedly been seriously discussing the possibility to base the Note 4 on the flexible screen technology.

Although the final appearance is not yet known, it is very possible that it will involve some form of flexible screens. Judging by the tradition, new Note will be presented at the IFA in Berlin in September.

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