Samsung Galaxy S III reaches 20 million units sold


It took only 100 days for the Galaxy SIII to reach 20 million units sold; they marked 10 million at the end of July.  Now the company has announced that they have doubled the numbers. Samsung said that the Galaxy S III achieved this level three times faster than Galaxy S and six times faster than Galaxy S II. Since 2012, the Galaxy S and S II have marked over 50 million units sold. With the S III Samsung has made their biggest sales in Europe at around 6 million devices, followed by Asia at 4.5 million and North America with 4 million. The final 2.5 million units were sold in Samsung’s homeland, Korea.

After this result Samsung has a promising future with the Galaxy S III. Samsung is confident that it will have no trouble in surpassing its predecessors considering that the first Galaxy has around 24 million sales and the Galaxy S II has 28 million. It will not be hard for the Galaxy S III to reach these numbers if it continues to sell like this. The Galaxy S III could even be at those numbers in matter of month or two unless they run into problems from new smartphones that shipping with WP8 and, of course the new iPhone. These launches might slow things down, but they probably won’t do much to this powerful device. Apple’s new iPhone, which is expected to launch next week, will be the #1 competitor for the S3 and it will be nice to see how this rivalry will go after recent legal cases between these two giants.
Gene Munster, Piper Jaffrey analyst expects Apple to sell 10 million new iPhones in the first week alone. The also feel that it could reach 28-million mark by the end of September. Considering the S3's popularity new devices could certainly have a rough time, Nokia and Motorola have also announced their new smartphones, the iPhone 5 is on the way, and a few other WP8 devices should be landing soon. Competition couldn’t be better and that is the best situation for customers who will have a wide range of smartphones to choose from, no matter if they are interested in just particular specs or they look more at the software side of a story.

[Ed – There is little doubt that the Galaxy S III will reach the levels to top the original Galaxy and Galaxy S II. The question is what will happen with the ongoing legal battle between Samsung and Apple in the US. There is serious concern about the jury’s verdict and the jury foreman is not helping with his continued attempt to justify his actions. This give Samsung a bit of an advantage as the post-verdict motions are being filed. Apple recently lost a bid to delay the lifting of that ban on the Tab 10.1 which was found not to have infringed the patent that Apple originally requested the ban for. Although there are a lot of unknowns here, we have a feeling that things might not turn out in Apple’s favor in the end.]

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