Samsung marks 100 million Galaxy S devices sold


Samsung is reporting new successes with their Galaxy S line of smartphones. According to Samsung's official data, they have sold a total of 100 million Galaxy S smartphones worldwide. Remember that Note and Note 2 are not part of the Galaxy S series.

The figure applies to all models shipped so far since May 2010, and among the top-selling is the latest Galaxy S III. This phone has sold 40 million units seven months after its launch.  The first million were sold within 50 days after the launch. The current pace of sales is around 190,000 Galaxy S III devices each day, says Samsung.

The company's upswing towards the spot of largest mobile phone manufacturer in the world is largely thanks to the Galaxy S II, a device that sold 40 million copies over 20 months. Samsung continues to have a huge interest for that device and continues to push out modernized versions of their devices, such as the recently announced Galaxy S II Plus.

[Ed – The popularity of Samsung Phones eventually attracted Apple who is still trying to do everything they can to stop sales of the popular phones and tablets. Apple claims they are doing this to protect their IP, but in the end there are enough differences and better performance than sales of the SII, SIII and other Galaxy S products are outselling the iPhone line quite nicely. Samsung was also awarded the second place spot for the number of patents awarded in 2012 with almost 4 times the number of patents awarded to them as were awarded to Apple. This should make some (not all, but some) people think twice about Apple’s claims against Samsung as we move into 2013...]

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