Samsung Offers Free Tools (That Were Already Free) To Help iPhone Users Move to Samsung Phones

introAs part of their War on Apple, Samsung is pulling off some very neat tricks without having to spend a penny. Some of these are basic PR tricks like showing the phone off in the right ways with the right ads, giving extra color choices and also telling people how many other people want it. Of course we would never say that Samsung has not put in its fair share of money to get the Galaxy S III and other products off the ground (not including all of the law suits going on), but that sometimes the best tricks are the ones that do not cost you anything.

Despite delays due to shipping and supply of some components (not due to an Apple embargo as one Sprint Employee tried to tell me) the Samsung Galaxy S III is a very sought after phone. But even more than that with the delay some people are opting for the less expensive Galaxy S II considering that you can find it for $99 at some stores (after rebate). There is even some talk that the US delay is linked to excess stock of these devices, although there is no confirmation on that.

Screenshot_2012-06-22-14-53-34However, Samsung is still facing an uphill battle with Apple in the US and other parts of the world. They are looking directly into a ban on some of the earlier Galaxy products and may still face a ban on the S III later this year. So to inspire the masses Samsung has put in place a few programs intended to make the transition from iOS to Android OS simpler. One of these is an incentive program which varies from place to place, but we have heard can be as much as $300 toward the purchase of a SAFE Samsung product (payable by check).

The other is more subtle and helps with one of the BIG issues of changing between different phone operating systems (for the consumer at least) especially if you are using a service like Sprint that STILL does not use SIM cards. This is the rebranding of a free tool to allow you to quickly and easily move your contacts, music, movies and other items controlled by iTunes and Apple to your new Android phone. The tool(s) in question are Samsung versions of Media Mushroom's Easy Phone Sync Application which allows you to manage youe Android Phone using iTunes. Although Media Mushroom claims it the Android part of this is only available in the UK we were able to download it without any issues on our Galaxy Nexus phone.

When we asked a few people that were complaining about the iPhone 4S this loss of information was one of the biggest problems. People were afraid they were going to lose pictures, videos and more that were stored on the iPhone and controlled by iTunes. For those of you in that boat, here is your ticket to freedom.

The fact that Samsung has been able to spin it to make it look like they are giving you something more for free makes it an even smarter move on their part. We expect the Galaxy S III to do well in the US despite the lack of a quad core SoC (due to current space limitations). It might even make a dent in some older iPhone owners that do not want to wait for the iPhone 5 and are disappointed by Apple continuing to keep the support of new features from their older phones (like the original iPhone 4).

You can grab the tools here (from the Play Store) and here (for Windows or Mac)

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