Samsung’s Liquavista on sale

e-ink readers

Samsung could sell their company Liquavista, specialized in the development of e-ink color screen. Samsung acquired the company back in January 2011, and the same company develops special technology for color screen (electrowetting) intended primarily for e-book readers.

According to Bloomberg information, Samsung considers a number of business plans for the department, including its sale. As a potential buyer they mention Amazon, as negotiations are reportedly already in progress. Cash part of the transaction has not been officially released, but the rumor is that we are talking about an amount less than $100 million.

 Samsung obviously has not found the place for Liquavista screens in their products, while the decline in sales of basic e-books (in favor of tablets) generally makes it infeasible for further development of modern devices with e-ink screens in color. According to the analysis of IHS research house, delivery of e-readers this year should fall by 27 percent to 10.9 million units, while in 2016 it is expected there will be shipped only 7.1 million pieces.

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