Samsung’s Wallet


Samsung's Wallet application was launched on Tuesday at the MWC show in Barcelona and joins Apple and Google in the market of electronic archiving and scanning tickets, membership cards and discount coupon from a smart phone. This presentation comes just two days after Samsung announced that it has entered into a global agreement with Visa which will integrate the Visa payWave application on their mobile devices that support NFC technology.

Samsung’s wallet, unlike Google Wallet does not have support for NFC, but contains many of the features offered by Apple's passbook, so it is clear that Samsung wants to provide its users the same thing that the company from Cupertino offers. At the same time they do not want to directly "attack" Google because Samsung’s Wallet is not actually a digital wallet.

Therefore, you could hear comments about how this application is actually a clone passbook, and it’s basically a container for other applications for payment, although it is expected to pose a real digital wallet modeled on Google Wallet. The application has an API that allows developers from "third parties" to connect applications with Wallet, and after that the coupons and tickets stored with Samsung Wallet will contain bar codes that can be scanned at POS terminals.

Wallet will soon be found in the Samsung Apps Store, and Samsung decided to make partnerships with several companies before the application has launched, including Walgreens, Belly, Expedia and

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