Security flaw spotted in Safari

Kaspersky Lab experts noticed a security flaw related to Apple's Safari browser, or to be more precise, its storage of passwords and user ID information.

The main "culprit" is an option within the history, namely the option "Reopen All Windows From Last Session" which allows users to re-open recently closed tabs. The problem is that during that process a text file is used which contains mentioned information. The problem only applies to older versions of browsers such as Safari 6.0.5, which is used on Mac OS X 10.8.5 system. Kaspersky Lab says it has not noticed a malware that exploits the flaw, so users are secure in a way, atleast for now.

They informed Apple about the discovered failure, but there was no official confirmation from Cupertino that the vulnerabilities exist.

[Ed - If the rumblings in the darker places on the internet are to be believed Safari is not the only browser that suffers from this flaw. This could be very bad for the major browser developers as the tools they put in place for convenience are turned into exploits. Well, we have always said that ease of use comes at the expense of security.]

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