Sharp brings UHD 60 incher


Judging by the moves of some Japanese manufacturers, we are about to enter a period of ultra high-definition television [this is not really a big surprise as they created the name a few months ago –Ed]. Sharp is releasing a new model, the ICC Purios and it is supposed to be the best and most expensive TV available from this manufacturer. Nothing unusual if we consider that we are talking about UHD TV screen with a diagonal of 60 inches.

The screen resolution is 3840 x 2160 pixels and the TV is also the first device in the world with the UHD THX certificate. Deliveries to the Japanese market are starting in February, ICC Purios wont be available in retail stores so if you want to have one, you will have to to place an order for it first. The price in Japan is 2.63 million yen, which is about $31,000.

UHD TVs have already been introduced by Sony and Toshiba, and they have models with screen diagonals of 84 and 55 inches. Suggested retail price in Japan for the bigger one is $25,000, while you will have to pay "only" $9,000 for a smaller TV.

[Ed – this move to UltraHD reminds me of the 120Hz and LED TV and screens from the same manufacturers that are pushing UltraHD right now. The prices were astronimical at the time, but have dropped dramtically since their introduction. The interesting part of all of this is that there is very little programing (Movies, Broadcast TV, etc.) that would even be able to take advantage of the resolution that this can reproduce. We expect UltraHD TVs will be a very niche market for at least a couple of years, despite advances in screen technology. We also have to wonder about Sharp's move to produce this TV when they are having financial troubles. We would have thought they would stick to low cost devices with a higher markup instead of building luxury items with a limited market...]

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