Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion Goes up for Pre-Sale Today!

sinsSins of a Solar Empire Fans rejoice. The long awaited sequel Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion will be launched on April 12th and pre-ordering begins today. The new game is the follow up to the 2008 PC Game of the year Sins of a Solar Empire and will be open for preorder from Steam, The Stardock Store and Impulse.


The standalone add-on will sell for $39.99 with a discount for those that previously bought Sins of a Solar Empire (at the Stardock Store only). If you are a fan or are looking for a new game to sink your teeth into while the rest of the world argues over what might be in the next playstation you might want to head over and check things out.

Oh, and just to make things interesting, if you pre-order now you will get access to the 2nd generation BETA of the game that went live overnight. Check out the video below and then hit up the links to pre-order your copy. We will also have insight on the game for you after we take a look at the new BETA today.

Stardock Store



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