"Smart" phones surpass the regular ones


According to data from Gartner agency which deals with market analysis, smart phones for the first time surpassed the sale of ordinary "dummy" telephones. Until recently, plain old phones still held top sales, but by the second quarter of this year, smart phones have taken the lead in sales. During the second quarter, sales of smart phones reached 225 million units, which is 46.5% more than in the same quarter last year.


On the other hand, sales of "regular" phones fell by 21% compared to the same quarter last year and amounted to 210 million copies. The biggest growth in sales of smart devices was recorded in Eastern Europe (up by 31.6%), Asia (up by 74.1%) and South America (up by 55.7%).

Samsung is still the largest manufacturer of smart phones with a market share of 31.7%, the second is Apple with a share of 14.2%, the third is Korean company LG, with a share of 5.1%, while a surprising fourth place is being hold by the Chinese company Lenovo with a share of 4.7%.

[Ed - Apple's Global marketshare dropped a little this time although their presence in the US is still very strong. This has given many a very false imrpession of how the leading manufacturers stand in terms of market penetration. Still Apple's popularity in the US has always been high as their devices are seens as a status symbol by many... at least for now.]

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