Sony determined on PS Vita price


Sony decided not to make the same move Nintendo made when their 3DS sales were going bad.  Instead of cutting their prices they will try to attract people to the Vita with cheap bundles, “At a certain point in the future we would like to address the pricing issue for some of the people who are waiting. But this year we are trying to add value by creating different types of bundles. We announced we will provide LittleBigPlanet PS Vita bundle pack. That’s affordable for people who are looking for a good deal.“ Sony Wordlwide Studioes president Shuhei Yoshida said.

Sony has stated that it is still too early to drop the price since they launched Vita at the beginning of the year. The current price according to the official Sony website is $250. Sony hopes that they will justify that price with tossing in big names like Assassins Creed, LittelBigPlanet or Call of Duty. If we consider that most  users play games on portable devices (3DS, Vita or even smartphones) when they are traveling or just need to waste a few minutes you can’t expect that they will cash out  $250 for this type of device on its own. Let’s not forget that you still need to buy games.

When Nintendo was struggling with 3DS sales, they decided to drop the price and sales went crazy. Sony can expect to boost income a bit with the bundles they have in mind, but that is only a temporary solution. Hopefuly (both for users and Sony) they will drop their prices next year and recover a bit. There is no doubt that PS Vita is a nice gaming device that everyone would like to have, but Sony will have to make it more affordable if they want to make something out of it.

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