Sony increased estimates for PS4 sales


It is now clear to everyone that Microsoft itself has not made any good promotion with the launch of Xbox One at E3, and many would say that they hurt themselves more with the decisions related to this console. In this sense, the Wall Street Journal believes that the increase in Sony's internal estimates of PS4 sales in the first months may be more Microsoft's fault than Sony's.

How much have the estimates increased, (and even what were the original ones?) for now no one knows, but mentioned sales figures say a million more PlayStation 4 than planned. The company reportedly expects a far greater demand than supply, and Amazon has stopped receiving pre-order for "Launch Edition" version of the console.
Of course, there is always the possibility that this is all just a marketing trick by Sony, but we will have to wait for the sales to start to see what is the real truth.

[Ed - After the fiasco that is the Xbox One it is not surprising to see the PS4 picking up in sales. Sony is likley to pull ahead even more unless Microsoft drastically changes their track for Windows and the Xbox. It is unlikey to happen though as Microsoft is convinced that they have what the consumer wants. We really do hope that someone at Microsoft gets their head out soon so that they can get back work and put out real software instead of bad imitations of Apple products.]

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