Looking at the teaser we were trying to stop images, browse all the frames, but it really is impossible to figure out how will PlayStation 4 actually look, so if you figure something out we would appreciate if you would enlighten us.
What can be observed is that the black color in the design is obviously still prevalent and some elements appear that suggest certain characteristics that were inherent from previous Sony's consoles, although it is difficult to figure out what is really going on, but it cerainly sparks the imagination.
[Ed - let's face it, the video was a joke. There is nothing to show and there is nothing to get excited about. I have stood up for companies that show off empty shells, manufactured demo products and worse, but this video from Sony is almost an insult to the people that have been waiting for news about thie next generation of gaming console from Sony. Well they got an eye an earfull from Microsoft today... We are betting that after Microsoft's launch today the blury artsy video of what is supposed to be the PS4 is already out of their heads...]
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