Sony Says, No Jelly Bean for some Xperia devices

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Like it was not enough that they pretty much ruined the basic version of Android with their apps and add-ons like Walkman, now Sony has announced that some of their Xperia devices won’t even get a Jelly Bean upgrade. This will certainly be more than disappointing for their usersand they can’t do anything but hope that things will change later in 2013. However, until early 2013 no changes will be made. Some of the devices will not be getting the update at all.

Some of the discarded devices are the Xperia Arc, Xperia Play and Xperia Neo. The Xperia T, TX and V have an uncertain future about this, but they may get the update in the first quarter of 2013. That is still over 6 months after Jelly Bean was launched. It's nothing new for older devices to not get the latest updates, but some of those on list are not even a year old. These devices could have already been updated very easily. The Xperia owners that get the update will get some nice features like voice-based search in Google Now, and also project Butter speed improvements, something they really need due to their slow custom Android operating system.

For many Xperia owners this will be very disappointing news, but maybe it is a waypoint that they should consider some other manufacturer for their smartphone. Still some may be content that they might get the update (at least for now). There is also a question of if Sony buyers buy their devices because of the Android software, or if they interested in the Sony software like Walkman that is put on literally every Sony device. If Sony dose not do something about this and start pushing updates faster, it may turn out quite bad for them.

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