Sony slowly recovers after hitting rock bottom...

Sony HQ

Sony recorded an operating profit during its second quarter, which is partly due to their mobile phone business which after the termination of the partnership with Ericsson is now fully owned by the Sony. After a loss of 5.7 billion dollars during the last year and a $312 million loss in the previous quarter, Sony started with a slight recovery and achieved an operating profit of $ 388 million.

The total revenue of the company was 20.5 billion dollars, which is 1.9% more than in the same period a year before. Particularly interesting is the mobile business whose revenues have doubled over the same period a year earlier to 3.85 billion dollars. Overall their business, which includes computers, operated with a loss of $296 million as a result of weak demand for personal computers, but also because of the costs associated with the consolidation of the business which now operates as an independent subsidiary owned by Sony.

The gaming department made $1.8 million which is 16% decrese due to lower sales of both hardware and software for their consoles. Their home entertainment divison also had big decrease of 25%, but managed to bring in $3billion in sales, television sales were down by huge 31%. Overall in its fiscal year for 2013 which ends in March next year, Sony expects revenue of $ 83 billion with a profit of 1.6 billion dollars.

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