Sony will wait for Microsoft to launch their console first


If we are to believe the rumors, this year both Sony and Microsoft are going to release their new game consoles - the question is who will be the first one to enter the spotlight. According to statements coming from Sony, it could be Microsoft.

Specifically, in an interview with the Times, Sony's CEO Kaz Hirai has implied that his company will launch their console after they see new Xbox. Why be the first to launch when you can see the specifications and then make something even better. Of course, since the console launch is scheduled for this year, the specifications and design of the device have already been largely finalized, so in this case the "copying" from the competition cannot be too profitable. Nevertheless, Sony wants to be in the top position.

Microsoft's new console could be launched at the E3 and this has been the rumor for a while; E3 will be held in mid-June. If they indeed wait for Microsoft, Sony will postpone launch for the Tokyo Game Show in September, so we can expect their big conference there if that is the case.

[Ed – This rumor is an interesting one as the original rumor was that Sony would launch at E3 in an effort to beat Microsoft to market. The thought that they might wait does not appear to make sense unless there are production or technical difficulties that are delaying the official launch (and that seems very unlikely). As we mentioned the specs, design and power of the console are about as final as they get. In the end the console that wins next year will be the one that has the most game titles available before the holidays. If Sony delays until September it could hurt their sales in H2 of 2013…]

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