Sprint's Star Star Me – What is it?


Sprint is staying competitive by debuting a brand new service ahead of Verizon, AT&T or T Mobile. This new service, known as “StarStar Me”, allows users to essentially do away with conventional phone numbers. In addition to letting users replace their number with a handle, it allows for easy auto-reply text messages. Through the Apple/Android app that can be downloaded, users can also screen or block incoming calls, or edit the auto-reply text messages. The only downside? This feature only works from Verizon, Sprint, AT&T, or T-Mobile phones.

The individual features offered aren't anything new. Google Voice has had similar features for screening or blocking calls, as well as sorting callers into groups so that they can, depending on their group, be connected through, sent to one of several voice mail options, or blocked. StarStar Me adapts this for the average consumer. Obvious applications of the feature include dating, job hunting, and really any situation where having an appearance of knowing what you are doing is important.

StarStar Me is a service delivered by the Zoove corporation. As such, all StarStar type numbers are provided through them, in the United States. Eventually, other carriers than Sprint should have this feature. The fee for Sprint users is 2.99/month per StarStar number they sign up for. Prices for other carriers have not been formally announced at this time.

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