Star Wars: Battlefront from the makers of Battlefield


Patrick Soderlund from Electronic Arts has confirmed that the Star Wars: Battlefront is currently being developed by DICE's main department in Stockholm, which is also responsible for the famous and renowned Battlefield series. At the head of the project are Karl-Magnus Troedsson and Patrick Bach, and DICE's is extremely pleased that they have finally been chosen for the development of Star Wars: Battlefront.

Soderlund revealed that the EA did not expect DICE to agree to the development of game with Star Wars licence, but then came unanimous messagers from Stockholm through which they demanded that the development of Battlefront is left just for them.

Apart from DICE, we can expect more new Star Wars titles from other development houses under the auspices of Electronic Arts. We are still awaiting details on the new Star Wars titles that are being prepared by Visceral Games and BioWare.

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