Summary of malicious software in the 2012 by Kaspersky


Kaspersky Lab has issued an annual report for 2012. This report presents some interesting statistics about malicious software that have marked the past year. The data that was analyzed by the well-known antivirus company using KSN system in the cloud (Kaspersky Security Network) to detect and collect information about attacks, points to more interesting things.

One of them is the fact that every day in the world this year appeared 200,000 new malicious applications; antivirus software Kaspersky has blocked more than 1.5 billion attacks on the web and more than 3 billion coming from infected files. Kaspersky indicates that most of the attacks took place in the first half of 2012, when every day was detected and blocked 125,000 attacks.

Kaspersky also point to the increasing occurrence of malicious software for Mac computers (an increase of 33% compared to 2011), while in mobile devices convincingly leads the Android platform, which is compared with all the others attacked in 99% of cases. The most vulnerable app is Oracle Java with 50% of all "exploit incidents," while second place belongs to Adobe Reader with 28%.

The countries where infections are most common are Bangladesh, Sudan, Malawi, Tanzania and Rwanda, while the top 5 ranking of the "safest" arranged in the following order: Denmark, Japan, Finland, Sweden, Czech Republic. Countries from where most attacks come are U.S., Russia, the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom, and the highest frequency of Web attacks are reported from Russia, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Kazakhstan.

[Ed – The internet as a whole has always been a dangerous place to hang out. Even with anti-malware protection you can still get a large number of viruses. The interesting thing here is that while the number of attacks is increasing we are seeing companies push for consumers to put their trust in the cloud without any indication that they can truly protect a user’s data or find a way to prevent an end user from getting a virus that could potentially compromise the cloud service as well. We fully expect things to get worse as we move into 2013… keep safe out there.]

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