Taiwan: Making LEDs more affordable

Making LEDs more affordable

Taiwan is known for manufacturing a large amount of LED lights for use in the home. LED lighting is an excellent alternative to standard bulbs that we use in our houses for many reasons, including: Increased energy efficiency, better lighting, and longer bulb life.

Although LEDs are much better than the lights we use in our own homes what keeps us from making the switch? Quite simply, LED lights are not cheap. In fact, until this year the average bulb (1 bulb) has just now dropped below the $10 USD mark. This year the price of LED products from Taiwan have dropped between 20 and 30 percent, following last years total price drop of 40 percent.

Focus Taiwan says that Taiwan will be implementing five new standards for their LED products, such as: improving the efficiency of lighting management, improving safety during nighttime activities, creating energy saving and smart lighting environment, and exploring value-added opportunities globally.

Because of the dropping prices we should see an increased demand in LED bulbs here in the US. The level of demand will see a dramatic spike, and Taiwan’s new standards will pave the way.

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