The Audience is ready for always-on DRM according to Ubisoft


Dust around the hated always-on DRM can not seem to settle. After the internet rumors that Microsoft's new gaming console could require a constant connection to the Internet, the head of Ubisoft Montreal, said that the market is ready for such an outcome. When given a question were users ready for this move Yannis Mallat said „Well, that's a question you should put to Microsoft and Sony! I would say that a lot of people are already always online through other devices – I would suspect that the audience is ready "

Mallat commented on the problematic launch of SimCity that because of the need for a consant Internet connection in the first weeks caused a lot of frustration. He said that positive things that this system brings to gamers should also be taken into account. Unfortunately, he did not specify which of the positive things about, I wonder why.

Despite Mallat's belief that users are willing, I can hardly agree. Just last weekend, Xbox Live has experienced several critical problems caused by routine maintenance, which then denied thousands of players from the usual contents they access via the console.

[Ed - We are not sure where they are getting their information, but the most recent surveys show that not only are people against always on DRM, but they are generally against DRM of any kind. DRM does not stop piracy, it does not even slow it down. All it does is hurt the people that want to legally buy the products that are out there. What this shows is that companies like Ubisoft are going to push this no matter what the reality is just becuase they feel it will bolster their revenue stream..]

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