The Crysis Chronicle 75% Off At Steam For The Weekend (Until 09-10-2012)


Steam is having a sale this weekend on the entire Crysis chronicle knocking 75% off of the cost of the whole group. This means you can get a bundle containing the original Crysis, Crysis Warhead and Crysis 2 for about $17.50. If you do not need the others you can still grab them individually for $5, $5, and $10 respectively. The sale will be going on all weekend ending on Monday September 10th. c

The Cyrsis series is another one of those game changers like the original Doom, and Half Life. When Crysis first launched it was able to chew up even the most powerful GPUs and spit them back out. It actually took a patch to the game to make it playable for most people in the end. This heavy handed (and un-optimized) graphics engine helped to coin the phrase “can it play Crysis?” Fortunately there was more to the game than just graphics. The game play was pretty compelling as well.

The timing is interesting though as the launch of the next out of timeline installment of Crysis is not due out until early next year (February 2013). We would expect to see sales like this happen much closer to launch although it is entirely possible that EA and Crytek are working on getting more people involved in the game for another reason (perhaps additional DLC or the push to cloud gaming). In all honesty it does not matter what the reason is; at $17.50 for all three games there is little reason not to buy the entire series this weekend and spend a few happy hours running and gunning…

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