The International 3 brings CS:GO?

cs go

Although it has been less than a week since The International has finished we have the first rumors about next year’s event.  After Dota 2 is launched another Valve game is supposed to be introduced and that is Counter Strike: Global Offensive. Since the very first version CS brought new content and maintained player interest while gaining tons of new ones even though some of that content was pretty bad (like vehicles in Beta 7.0) Valve managed to polish the product to feed gamers’ appetites. Today around half a million players are estimated to play regularly on more than 200,000 servers.

The most popular version today is CS 1.6 regardless of CS: Source release. In the Source update, Physics, shaders and new polygons were introduced, proving that CS will always continue to develop and adapt to gamers’ needs.  . The latest version of this eternal FPS came out of beta on August 21st with more than 310,000 players testing it. The game was in beta for around 10 months and now is available, but only in digital form; no retail version will be released. According to rumors, we can expect Global Offensive to come to The International 3 next year together with Dota 2 and yes the prize pool should be the same as Dota 2, meaning winners go home with $1,000,000 from total prize pool of $1.6 million.

Apparently one of Valve employee's leaked this information so it we expect to see many FPS players to start competing in CS:GO.  A similar thing happened when the first International was announced, many players from the DoTA copycat game, Heroes of Newerth, decided that it was time to go to DoTA2, or just to go back to their roots in the case of some  DoTA 1 players. Even the Fnatic's team who won 4 Dreamhack championships and some other tournaments decided to move the entire team to Dota 2. The main reason was that with all that tournaments won they earned “only” $67,000. Even 4th place on The International gets you $80,000. Will the same thing happen between Call of Duty players and CS we are yet to see, but if CS:GO really becomes next game on the International it is pretty certain that many teams will wake up and surely many new will rise in hope they can make it to the tournament.

[Ed – The leak mentioned here was probably not accidental, after all a boring tournament is a bad thing for all. We imagine that it was leaked to help teams prepare and also to build even more interest in the new Valve game, not that Valve needs help there. Perhaps the “leak” was to help people get over the complete lack of any real news about Half Life 3…]

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