THX sues Apple over speakers in their devices


THX has a patent titled "Narrow profile speaker configurations and systems", which they received in the 2008. Now they have concluded that in Apple's iPhone, iMac and iPad they used solution provided by this patent without permission, so, logically, have launched a lawsuit against Apple, because Apple inflicted damage with that move. The lawsuits seek monetary damages or payment of licenses, and that the court force Apple to stop violation of THX's patent.

Otherwise, this is the patent that describes a thin speaker units in which at least one speaker emits sound to the inner surface, which is then transmitted through the channel with a narrow opening. In this configuration, two speakers may be facing one another, and their sound is channeled into a common outlet.

Apple Insider mentioned speakers that can be found in the latest iMac as the most similar example. Apple normally assigned to a similar patent for the flat speaker, however, they received a patent last month and signed it in the 2010, two years later than the THX got their patent so it will be interesting to see what will Apple decide to do now.

[Ed - Apple has an exceptionally long history of ignoring prior art when they file patents and the USPTO has not been doing a very good job on catching them on it. In many cases little to no review is done on the patents filed as even a cursory search will bring up multiple instances of previous patnets that cover what Apple is trying to claim as their own...]

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