Twitter cooperates with Stripe to create super simple payment service

Twitter is currently working with a start-up company Stripe which is dealing with digital payment for goods and services, and are very close to it to enable users to purchase directly through their social networks. People familiar with the collaboration say that credit card payments in the future could be confirmed very easily, with tweeting. With the same move, Twitter could enable companies to offer products and services, and in that way open another channel for generating revenue.

In the past, this social network was already flirting with e-commerce, and supposedly its own experts have developed a money transfer or payment through tweets. However, these plans were put on hold, and after being exposed are updated through the cooperation with Stripe.

We still did not know the details about this new payment methods, such as whether it referred mainly to the digital content and will users be able to buy physical goods and services. But one thing is certain, the purchasing would hereby become even simpler, so that customers could buy the content in real time, during the monitoring of certain events such as concerts or sporting events. Spokesmen for the aforementioned companies have not yet officially confirmed the joint development of these services.

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