Universal real-time translator from Google

star trek

Ever since the time when Star Trek was the culmination of the SF genre, every lover of technology wondered how were Earthlings  in such films and tv series able to communicate with any other species that used different languages. The answer is - the universal real-time translator. Latest information from the Vice president of Android project, Hugo Barre, say that Google is on track to produce the first such device.

Apparently, they already have real-time translator in their lab on test runs for mobile phones, and according to Barre, in some combinations of languages it works almost perfectly. Once the background noise is eliminated, speech recognition becomes much easier, so in a controlled environment, the translation is almost always accurate. Nevertheless, for the commercial use of this gadget we will most likely have to wait for several more years.

Interestingly, at the same time there is also the source that claims that Apple has a secret team in Boston which is working on improvements of speech recognition technology. Whether it is a new trend in the communications industry, or is just a coincidence, it remains to be seen.

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