Unreal Engine 4 by Epic


Epic's latest Unreal Engine 4 intended for gamers around the world on all platforms, from PCs through to the latest generation of consoles should bring superior graphics, the latest effects, even more realistic physics and lots of explosions, smoke and flashes of colors, and will raise the level of technical quality games for one step.

Nevertheless, Unreal Engine 4 is designed to be highly scalable, meaning that the game could be made to adapt for use on slower computers, consoles and tablets, as well as the most powerful computers and next-generation consoles such as the PlayStation 4 and Xbox 720. Epic presented at the GDC 2013 these days technological demo of the Unreal Engine 4, which just demonstrates the application of this technology to the next generation of consoles.

Demo is called Infiltrator, and as you can see in the video it shows impressive action sequences in a futuristic environment, and demonstrates an abundance of effects, realistic physics, great landscapes, huge characters, a lot of events in certain scenes, all with exceptional high-definition resolution. Judging by this video, it is obvious that UE4 has potential beyond gaming, and could be used without any problem in the film industry. For now it is not known whether this demo presents a new Epic game that will arrive on UE4 engine but it would be very interesting if to see it as it looks very promising.

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