Valve's search for Play testers


Today Valve announced that they are looking “for folks to come to Valve and playtest both released and unreleased versions of our games as well as play around with some of our hardware prototypes”. This means that you will be able to test games at Valve's HQ and not only from your home. However take notice that this testing sessions last around an hour, so it won’t be those kind of beta game tests you do at home that could last for days, weeks, even months. Valve is certainly making a good move with this idea and as a huge amount of gamers like to play betas there will be great interest in it.

For the moment the survey is open only for US citizens. At first Valve wanted to keep it for Seattle/Bellevue area, but they promised they will do some remote playtests in future and not only that, but they intend to include international support. However, that will have to wait for now. Some of the questions are what's your favorite game, how many years have you been playing video games, have you ever used steam to purchase a game and other things regarding video games. You can fill the survey here.

It is almost certain that testers will have to sign some sort of non-disclosure agreement, so they don’t give up any information that Valve would like to keep secret from other companies. It is, without a doubt, a great idea and maybe they will get some followers if this project turns out good. Then we could test games occasionally at the game studios and you could even know if you want to buy the game before you play a demo or see the gameplay footage. As far as Valve is concerned they will attract more customers, therefore probably achieve better sales and increase Steam's popularity even further.

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