Who Says the PC is Dead?

17So the unheard of happened today; Apple reported their 4th quarter revenue and it was *gasp* under expectations. This was after so many people were heard to make predictions on Apple reporting another record quarter. The total revenue for the 4th Quarter of 2011 was 28.27 Billion which fell shy of expectations by just over a Billion Dollars. Revenue was still up over 8 Billion from Q4 2010 and Net Profits were up by 2.3 Billion. Apple products also enjoyed an increase quarter over quarter with iPhone sales increasing 21%, iPad sales up almost 170%, and Personal Computing Systems sales up 26%. iPod sales, which many are seeing as obsolete, were down around 27% from last year. Apple’s nest egg also grew to $84 Billion.

In the meantime Intel Corporation posted a record $14.3 Billion in revenue and $3.7 Billion in net income. This is up 3.2 Billion over Q4 2010 and represents their recapturing of market share from Rival CPU maker AMD. Intel’s PC group had a growth of 22% over Q4 201o while their Data Center Group grew 15%. Intel has an Operating Income of 5.1 Billion which was also up 22% over Q4 2010. This is all coming at a time when many analysts are predicting the death of the PC as more and more tablets arrive on the market. However, Desktop and Server CPU sales remain strong and have increased more than expected. Meanwhile the poor Atom had a drop of 32% in revenue ($268 Million) over last year’s Q4.

The results are very interesting indeed and only go to show you that sometimes analysts forget to take a look at the raw data and the market before making predictions. We will be interested to see if Apple continues to drop in revenue through Q1 and Q2 of 2012 and Intel continues to climb. We know there will be some fallout from the loss of Steve Jobs, we just are not sure how much that will be.

Source Apple and Intel

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