Kingston's Wi-Drive launches in the US

Wi_DriveKingston’s Wi-Drive hits the retail and e-tail stores in the US today. With the low price of $130 this new device for the iPod, iPhone, and iPad (probably a contractual item) will be followed by one for the Android later this year. It brings the ability to carry up to 32GB of extra storage for your iDevice.

The Wi-Drive allows you to connect up to three devices over its built in wireless and through the use of a Wi-Drive App to stream media directly from it to the iPad, iPod Touch, and iPhone. The Wi-Drive is very light (weighing only 86.18 grams) and very portable. Kingston has designed it to look like an older iPhone (the 3G and 3GS) right down to the box just to keep up with the illusion.

There is no word on battery life just yet or how it really performs, but we hope to have one in our lab soon to see if it really lives up to what the press releases are claiming. For now you can enjoy the press release and this promo video.

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