Wii U launch pushed to the end of year for Europe

wii u mario

Even industrial giants like nintendo cannot escape the side effects of the global financial crisis. After having a rough time in last few quarters, including facing profit loss, Nintendo has decided to push the release of the Wii U game console back to December (2012). Beside the monetary issues many feel that Nintendo is to blame for their older hardware and lack of innovation in video games. At one time Nintendo had some of the most popular games in gaming history such as; Legend of Zelda (the Main character is not Zelda but Link), the Super Mario series and Donkey Kong. You just cannot consider yourself a gamer if you havent played any of these, but they are a prime example that you can’t live forever on old fame.

Still, Nintendo is optimistic about its new Wii U console which is equipped with an LCD controller. Nintendo aims to get their product on the market during the Christmas holidays since it's also a big shopping season. Nintendo had originally planned to launch the Wii U in November but due to many different problems and to help make a little more money, has pushed it to December all of Europe. Some of the rumors are that the main issue with releasing is the complicated Gamepad. It comes with 6.2 inch touchscreen display, front facing camera, motion sensor and NFC (near field communication) technology, and it's own power supply.

Customers will be able to play games on controller itself without using the main console. The controller will remain wireless, as stated by Nintendo. For now it seems that this push back in realease is going to hit only Europe, but so far it looks like the Wii U will still go out in the US on time (November). The US is one of Nintendo's largest markets and they will do their best not to dissapoint they most loyal customers.

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