Will a 7 inch Windows tablets be the saving grace for Microsoft?


Microsoft’s upgrade of Windows, known by the codename Windows Blue, could allow several innovations in the mobile segment. Microsoft through Windows Blue intends to begin issuing new versions or major upgrades of Windows, on an annual basis, which applies to operating systems for mobile devices.

Creative Strategies analyst Ben Bajarin believes that Windows Blue will help manufacturers design smaller devices with diagonal screens between 7 and 9 inches. Current Surface tablet are made with 10.6 inch screen, while exactly the 7 inch tablets are getting more and more popular and interesting to the customers.

Windows Blue should provide support for screens of smaller diagonals on the tablet, which is expected to make them more affordable. According to unofficial information, Microsoft will ask around twenty dollars less from manufacturer of tablets for Windows 8 license, or between $40 and $50 apiece, which would price of the device place in the ranking between $199 and $349.

[Ed – we do not think that Microsoft's dive into the tablet world is going at all like they planned. However, the reasons for their failure are probably not what they are thinking. It is not about size, CPU or even battery life. It is about the OS itself. There are far too many people that simply do not like the locked down feel they get with Windows RT and are not all that thrilled with the slightly less locked down Windows 8. All you have to do to see this is look at how fast Android cuaght up to and surpassed iOS to see that a closed and xenophbic ecosystem is not what people want. Windows worked well becasue it was open (not as open as Linux, but still) and easy to use. Everytime Microsoft has tried to lock down Windows they have failed in the market, Windows 8 is no exception.]

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