Will the LG Megalodon be the Nexus 5?


On the site Android and Me we came upon pictures and specifications of Google's alleged new "smart" phone under the tag Nexus 5. The unit is reportedly scheduled to arrive on the market in October, and Google is currently evaluating prototypes of different manufacturers, including one from LG that carries the code name "Megalodon".

This device has impressive specifications that include 5.2 inch OLED screen with a resolution of 1920x1080, Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor with a clock speed of 2.3 GHz and a 3 GB of RAM. 16 megapixel rear camera is capable of shooting video in 4K resolution while the front camera with a resolution of 2.1 megapixels can record video at a resolution of 1080p. It also has front stereo speakers and a Lithium polymer battery with a capacity of 3300 mAh.

It will also feature DVB-T/ATSC integrated antenna and an RF360 Qualcomm chip that supports LTE and HSPA + mobile network. Rumors are that it will come in version with 16, 32 or 64 GB of storage space, and also have the ability to control it based on gestures. Given that this is unconfirmed rumors, these informations must be accepted with great reserve, but the specs certainly are more than interesting.

[Ed - the problem that all phone makers are facing now is that the market is becoming flooded and the rapid refresh of phones is beginning to become counterproductive. As it stands right now people are not really willing to swap out phones to keep up with the new launches simply because most are still in contracts (2-year contracts in many cases). This leaves a lot of waiting in between phone upgrades. Phone makers are going to hit a wall fairly soon unless they either work with the carriers (especially in the US) to change the business model (the same ones the phone makers and carriers got us in) or further subsidize the phones so that people can keep up with the faster release schedules. If they do not do this they might find themselves in trouble soon.]

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