Will video game graphics reach “Reality” quality?

Will video game graphics reach reality quality

A popular topic of discussion when it comes to video game graphics is whether or not there will ever be graphics that are so realistic that they match reality. It’s a given that with the speed of progression within the last decade that we will eventually have graphics that match reality, but the question is how soon? According to Industrial Light and Magic (ILM) it’s not as far off as some might think.

While being interviewed, Kim Libreri, visual effects supervisor at ILM made the prediction that graphics will improve to the level where they match real life within the next ten years. He said: “We're matching the quality of an animated movie seven or eight years ago, and another ten years from now, it's just going to be indistinguishable from reality.”

Graphics have come a very long way in cinematic trailers for games, but the problem is bridging those graphics to live action gameplay without taking a huge toll on performance. A game that is currently being worked on by ILM, Star Wars 1313, does bridge the gap. The difference that can be seen between actual game play and the cinematic pieces is nearly seamless.

It’s very exciting to see the rate at which graphics are improving in games along with the hardware used to play them. The team at ILM is pushing gaming into the future and we, as gamers, should be behind them all the way.

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